Saturday, July 21, 2012

For the random 1 or 2 visitors.

I do not enjoy writing as I will take very long to find suitable words that correctly expresses my thoughts and opinions. Blame my laziness since young. The results for my languages are always much lower than that of my sciences and mathematics.

Weight loss has been going on really well and am really consistent. I could fit into a UK10 now, originally a UK14. And I aim for UK6-8. I would really like to thank my parents for cooking up delicious, healthy unprocessed food that is nutritionally balanced and keeps me fuller for longer.

There are plenty of blogging ideas I have and I shall start of with blogs that I found useful that helped me in my weight loss journey.

So for the random 1 or 2 visitors that probably googled "subway Singapore nutrition information", here you go, I've prepared a list of healthy blogs you guys could read up on! I am sure they do a better job in communicating weight loss and diet information than I do!

All the best!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I really enjoy eating subway. 1) A six inch sandwich is really substantial and will keep me really satiated. 2) Nutritional information is readily available in their website and this gives me the knowledge to make the right choices. 3) it is filled with wholesome goodness of my favourite choice of vegetables -- lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber & olives. (NO onions please!!)
There was one day where I was at subway with my friend. We were discussing what SUB to order, I told my friend I was losing weight (or rather trying to maintain my weight given the fat-inducing STRESS I was undergoing) and would choose the sub with the healthier choice logo: 
And I wanted to order Roast Beef! She just thought that Roast Beef sounded extremely unhealthy and Tuna sounded healthier. This caused my interest to search for the nutritional information of the sandwiches online.

Some preliminary results of TUNA vs Roast Beef?

Conclusion: Roast Beef wins Tuna. Significantly lesser fat, lesser saturated fat, cholesterol. Calories of Tuna Sub almost TWICE that of Roast Beef.

In this blog entry, I will be telling you guys how to choose a healthier sub based on the information gathered from the Subway Singapore website! Click the read more button to find out more!

Monday, January 30, 2012

HELLO less than UK 10!

Click on read more below for an introduction to the blog and also for Mr Bean's Nutritional Information