Saturday, February 25, 2012


I really enjoy eating subway. 1) A six inch sandwich is really substantial and will keep me really satiated. 2) Nutritional information is readily available in their website and this gives me the knowledge to make the right choices. 3) it is filled with wholesome goodness of my favourite choice of vegetables -- lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber & olives. (NO onions please!!)
There was one day where I was at subway with my friend. We were discussing what SUB to order, I told my friend I was losing weight (or rather trying to maintain my weight given the fat-inducing STRESS I was undergoing) and would choose the sub with the healthier choice logo: 
And I wanted to order Roast Beef! She just thought that Roast Beef sounded extremely unhealthy and Tuna sounded healthier. This caused my interest to search for the nutritional information of the sandwiches online.

Some preliminary results of TUNA vs Roast Beef?

Conclusion: Roast Beef wins Tuna. Significantly lesser fat, lesser saturated fat, cholesterol. Calories of Tuna Sub almost TWICE that of Roast Beef.

In this blog entry, I will be telling you guys how to choose a healthier sub based on the information gathered from the Subway Singapore website! Click the read more button to find out more!

1) Bread

This will be the first thing you order at subway. If you notice from above the caloric information of the Roast Beef and Tuna Sandwich includes wheat bread (and not Honey Oat/ whatever else). So you could guess that the lowest calorie content bread would be -- yes-- the wheat bread.

Nutrition information of breads:

CHOICE: Wheat bread.

I see some people ordering wrap. Take a look at its Nutritional Information and decide whether you want a wrap:
DECEIVING ISN'T IT! It looks flat and plain and ugh, low calories. More than 100 calories over that of a wheat bread.

2) Choice of sandwich topping

Subway came up with a few flavours that has 6g / less of fat and they are as follows:

The others, not so healthy counterparts:

I personally prefer the 3 highlighted ones as they have a lower sodium content.

3) Toasted with Cheese?/ Additional bacon?
I know cheese contains a high amount of calories and fats that are really unwanted if not for their calcium content. Since it is free and I have already chosen a healthy bread and healthy topping, to be followed by large amount of vegetables and a healthy sauce... It just keeps me sane!

Yes to cheese (since it is free but unhealthy). No to Bacon (cause you're chargeable and unhealthy)

4) Vegetables

CHOICE: Order whatever you like, the more the merrier/healthier.

5) Sauce
Subway came up with sauces that are low in calories and has 0 grams of fat (Name of sauce in Red)! How fantastic is that! However, I read that these sauces are soy based which are high in Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 needs to be in balance with Omega 3, so these sauces may cause this imbalance. Nevertheless, their nutrition information looks good don't they!

CHOICE: Undecided. None if possible. Pepper permitted.
But a definite NO to Chipotle Southwest Sauce/Mayo (just look at their calorie and fat content).

Seems like Subway did not really update their website. They do have new sauces like Red Wine Vinegarette which are not updated in their website and some of the sauces that are stated in their website (eg, olive oil blend, vinegar) are no longer available.

Do add pepper to your sub if you could take on the heat! It increases your metabolism with no calories!

6) Any Meal?

After all this effort in choosing a healthy sub, adding on a cookie or two would really sabotage your weightloss effort. Just look at their nutrition information.
Needless to say drinks (ice lemon tea/ whatever) and lays chips are not what your rational mind would want if you are losing weight!

However, subway has this fresh fit meal where you could grab a bottle of mineral water and a cup of Meiji yogurt. And now it is only for $1!
I am really not very sure about the nutrition information of that yogurt but I reckon it would be really high in sugar as compared to plain-no-sugar-added yogurt. But it would certainly be a good substitute for a cookie and a carbonated drink!

I have calculated the total calories for 3 Sub flavour (choice given above in section 2) , all with cheese and sweet onion sauce ONLY. No Drinks, No Chips, No bacons, No cookie. They are as follows:
Each sub is less than 400 calories and they are filling enough as a meal! A sure way to lose weight healthily and steadily without the hunger!

8) Conclusion

I have benefitted greatly after analysing the nutrition information of Subs. I hope you did too after reading my blog entry. I have compiled a printable excel sheet of the nutrition information of subway. It is a handy 3 page long list and hopefully it would be useful for you! Download it here!

* All Nutrition Information are taken from the subway website


  1. Do you work for Subway? I did some research and my findings are a total opposite of yours. Take a look if you wish and Happy Tuesday!

  2. I agree with Qi Yuan .. This article is very detailed and informative on this topic, thanks for sharing!
    Weight loss program Singapore
